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Façades, Philip Glass

Parts for Guitar

Since there is no guitar in the original, you have the chance to make your own part!


Download the TAB or traditionally notated music and create your own part with notes from the chords (given to you). 


Choose any two notes (or more) from the chord and alternate between these (example given).


Improvise/compose your own part completely from notes of the chord/scales. Make sure that your part fits in with the chords and with the other instruments - so practice along to the guitar track and the whole backing track!


For chord diagrams/help with fingerings, go to this website!

Check that your part works over the chords:

Chords Only -

Listen to an example that alternates between two notes:

Chords and Picked -

Get an idea of how the scales sound over the chords:

Chords, Picked and Scales -

Practice your part with the rest of the ensemble!

Guitar Backing Track -
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