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Façades, Philip Glass

A Mixed Bag Arrangement for the Classroom

Explore this page for background information and analysis, the arrangement, resources for learning each part, and help with improvisation!


First, listen to the original here:

Background Information

Composed in 1981 by minimalist composer Philip Glass (or has he prefers, a composer of “music with repetitive structures”), Façades is written for 2 soprano saxophones, viola, cello (and synthesiser doubles for the viola and cello).


Originally, the piece was intended to accompany a visual montage of scenes from New York’s Wall Street on a Sunday morning in the film, Koyaanisqatsi


The piece contains a number of ostinatos (repeating musical patterns) over three main harmonic centres (chords), clearly outlined in the cello (Am, Ab, Eb).

Cello Am_0001.png
Cello Ab_0001.png
Cello Bb_0001.png

* chord is closer to Ab6add#4 but is written throughout as Ab6 for simplicity

The viola, cello (and later on the second soprano saxophone) perform ostinatos that alternate between two notes of the chord in a quaver pattern. By alternating between two notes with groups of three quavers (seen below), the sense of the beat is blurred. 

example 2_0001.png
Ostinatos -

In some places (the second bar of Ab and Bb each time it returns), quavers are grouped in two instead of three. What effect does this have?

Listen to the original again. Describe the rhythm of the melody and the rhythm of the accompanying parts. What effect does this have? 


Keep your answers in mind when performing your part and improvising!

The Mixed Bag Arrangement

In this arrangement, each part is given the harmonic progression so that they may be aware of the changes in sound and character in each chord, with each chord changing the atmosphere significantly. The repetition in the piece - within each ostinato, the harmonic repetition and repetition structurally - allows room for creativity and improvisation in each part.

Click here to learn your part and listen to the full arrangement!

Facades Arrangement -

Feel like practicing to a backing track? Click here to customise or make your own!


After learning your part, go to this page to have fun improvising!


Reflective practice is important as an educator (and for assessment) - take a look at my process for arranging this and combining pedagogies here

An Orff-Style Arrangement

Click here to check out an Orff-style arrangement of Façades. A version for chromatic Orff instruments (appropriate for chromatic C instruments too!), complete with words to teach ostinatos.

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