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  • Writer's picturecaitsandiford

SCMTME#11: Mix-Up, Mash-Up

Today was all about remixing (again tying nicely from last lesson)!

First we looked at the amazing French DJ Madeon, who was completely self-taught.

After analysing the musical complexities in one of his performances, from metric modulations to Greek modes and modulations, it was made clear from the beginning that remixing as a musical genre has the complexity that most musicians require to deem it a legitimate form of making music.

From there we were tasked with remixing various samples or with samples we made using the Novation Launchpad App! (Another great one is Remix Live, but it's paid). Rohan and I first made a beat using DM1, exported into a great app AudioCopy (allows the samples to be trimmed exactly, important for looping). We then created more beats, some chordal and melodic samples in Garageband, and exported it using AudioCopy again. We then imported them into Launchpad and remixed our samples with the preloaded ones.

Just with the performance technologies, there is great potential for integrating this into the music classroom. The combination of composing, arranging and performing sounds to create an original piece, with all students being able to succeed and explore sounds in a safe way is a valuable. Ideas of remixing could also lead well into recomposing, then providing a series of safe stepping stones into traditional composing (baby steps on a large scale!).

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